Sept 17, 2018

We have Twitter !!



Feb. 20, 2019

In an unsurprising move, the Calgary based National Energy Board has approved the TransMountain Pipeline Expansion again, WITHOUT ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BITUMEN CLEANUP !!

When the bitumen tanker crashes into Victoria, and it will, that's on BC taxpayers !! It's on you to invent the technology to clean bitumen from your waters Victoria! Vancouver! That's on you! Courtesy of NEB and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Quebec.

Up Yours! British Columbia!

Tired of this crap?

Join us today. It's the right move financially to leave Canada.


Dec. 28, 2018

Not surprisingly the Calgary based National Enegy Board, run by French Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has found that the answer to their problems is to build pipelines !

Remember - Justin Trudeau "That pipeline will get built!"

Justice? pffft
There's no justice - there's a kangaroo court called the NEB.

There's no pipelines expansion in Quebec though.

BC continues to be Canada's whipping boy, even though it's Canada's number 1 economy and only "have" province.

Funny what happens to people without political representation, isn't it?


Dec. 7, 2018

Quebec and Alberta east wards have agreed that BC should be the only province that accepts Alberta's bitumen and that only BC should accept financial and environmental risk for all of Canada.
- First Ministers meeting, Montreal.


Nov. 26, 2018

Ontario economy in free fall as GM does the expected and begins closing gas car plants (as the world turns to electric cars and SUVs).


Sept. 21, 2018

announced today that they have a $14 billion deficit this year. They're bankrupt - and they're going to drag down BC with them. Time to get out before they bankrupt us.


Sept. 21, 2018

22 weeks !!
The Federal Government announced today it is proceeding, as expected to try and hammer home the Trans Mountain pipeline and to turn Victoria and Vancouver into a bitumen waste zone and to kill British Columbia's economy. They are turning over a "review" of a pipeline it owns to an organization they run for a Prime Minister who said, "this pipeline will get built," over 100 times this year.

It's not just that you require BC First Nation's to agree to the pipeline, (it's not a veto, it's common sense), it's that you must protect BC's environment from a bitumen spill which, at this time, can not be cleaned from the ocean.

There's absolutely zero chance that science can invent a way to clean bitumen from the ocean in 22 weeks since they've had more than a century to already figure that out and haven't.

The Federal Government has said they will use the Calgary based and Ottawa run National Energy Board to "review" the project under the Stephen Harper terms of environmental damage assessment - NOTE: not the new Liberal assessment which only applies to Quebec.

Are you picking up the difference?

One rule for Quebec.
No rules for British Columbia -- it's do as you please to BC even though BC, not Alberta, provides the cash and the economy and resources that make Canada work.


Sept 17, 2018

Election about who hates BC more. Liberal MP from Ontario crosses floor to Conservatives stating her opposition to BC and that the Liberals need to harm BC more than they have.


Aug 30, 2018

Federal Appeals Court rules Federal Government (NEB) never accounted for BC's environment or the impact of a bitumen spill to BC's economy or environment and BC's whales and economy and never properly consulted with BC First Nations.

Alberta and Ottawa immediately state they will fight on and do whatever it takes to get the bitumen through BC.

At what point does No mean No?

August 21, 2018

The entire province of BC is under a bad air advisory as the wildfires number more than 600.

Rains have stopped. For two years in a row BC has not had proper rainfall and the forests have burned.

Meanwhile Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government, with 40% of the vote, have decided to spend $15-19 billion on adding more oil to climate change with the Trans Mountain purchase from Kinder Morgan.

Makes total sense doesn't it?

BC separation is the right way to the stop the madness.

August 1st, 2018

Pierre Trudeau's son, Justin, said they would "build the economy while reducing emissions."

It was the supposed deal to say to British Columbia - let us triple the bitumen capacity through your ports (knowing we can't clean it up in the event of an accident) in exchange for "Carbon Pricing" to reduce emissions (copying British Columbia's carbon tax plan).

Today - Pierre Trudeau's son began the reduction of the federal carbon tax plan on its way to removal completely.

Saskatchewan and Ontario are fighting it in court. So much for B.C. !!

June 15, 2018

The Canadian government says it will kill British Columbians to build the pipeline.

Separating from this insanity is the correct path - not killing citizens.

Former Bank of Canada governor David Dodge says people have to die - it's a priority. We have to understand that.

If you ever needed proof that British Columbia must separate from a country that hates them - hey, they'd rather kill you than listen to you.


June 8, 2018

This is a very important article from the National Observer written by economist Robyn Allen, former head of ICBC.

For the angry "oil proponents" who have flooded the inbox with nasty thoughts - read this.

You are passionate, we all love the passion, but you're misguided and uninformed.

May 31, 2018

How can you help? Promote the web page to begin with. Nothing complicated. Easy on twitter, Craigslist, friends and family.

Why Separate? Court cases aren't going to stop these people. They're going to keep hammering away until they get their oil fix. This is the nature of addiction. They'll do anything, say anything to get it done. That's the reality of life.

Quebec has a Separation Party - they got the pipeline dismantled in a real hurry. Separation Parties work. Period. End of story. It's that easy.

BC's trademark is its pristine coastline and nature. We lose that trademark - BC's economy will suffer. BC's economy is worth more to Canada than a little pipeline in Alberta. The entire oil industry only contributes 2.2% of Canada's GDP. It's virtually nothing. But BC on the other hand is the engine that drives Canada.

Notice NAFTA talks? Watch how fast Ottawa throws BC's forest industry under the bus to save Ontario's automaking industry. (Why is that even there by the way? America has a good point - Ontario did steal jobs from Michigan in the auto industry because of our cheap Canadian dollar.) Trudeau will do ANYTHING to save that industry including killing BC's forest industry. Trudeau does not have BC's interests at heart. Leaving makes sure we look after ourselves and uncouple from Ontario. Notice that Aluminum and Steel tariffs are back. If Trudeau simply let the auto industry in Ontario dissipate BC would have a Forest Industry and Steel and Aluminum deal in place.


Separating is the right thing for everyone at this time.
It gives BC a chance to move forward with a future without bankruptcy.
It gives Canada a chance to think of their country without BC in it.

Leaving is the best thing to do when you're in an abusive relationship.
Canada just doesn't work for BC.

What kind of government takes a loan from BC's taxpayers to buy something intended to hurt them and their economy and their futures?

It's not a government we need to be associated with anymore. But hopefully, once we leave, they will realize that a country without BC is not a country worth having.

However we must leave before they will come to their senses.